Wedding rites

For Love…with Love

When we choose to transform love into a shared project, to make mutual commitments, and to faithfully stick to common choices, we are talking about unions founded on the principles of a marriage.
Each couple has a different story. Everyone, regardless of their religion or the laws in their own country, can choose to celebrate a laic or symbolic ceremony, because it does not imply any legal constraint. A laic ceremony is also a good choice for same-sex couples and for people who are not legally divorced yet. It is possible to plan a ceremony, in which every word and gesture reflects the real essence of the couple, and to follow a common preparation path prior to the celebration, which leads the spouses to enjoy the ceremony with more awareness.


The Italian law provides that civil marriages can be celebrated exclusively in city halls. In recent years, as the number of civil marriages is increasing, municipalities have tried to meet the needs of new couples by giving them the opportunity to choose a place other than the mayor’s office at the city hall. There are always more locations where it is possible to get married. Municipal and private villas, as well as modern locations, and even restaurants have acquired the status of city halls, becoming therefore eligible wedding locations. Even if the ceremony is not officiated by the mayor or by an municipal councillor, but by a celebrant chosen by the couple, there is a fee to pay in order to take the official register from the municipal house. In this kind of celebrations, it is possible to combine the legal part provided for by the law with the laic and symbolic aspects, in order to offer to you the joy of a ceremony full of emotions.


Fortunately, freedom of religion is granted in Italy. Of course, this can lead to difficulties and misunderstandings for some couples, but it is also true that, in some other cases, these kinds of differences are fascinating and become the basis of a solid and conscious bond, where nothing is taken for granted. In order to respect the religious beliefs of the spouses without letting one of them prevail on the other, it is possible to create a laic ceremony integrating and respecting the values of both.
With tact and delicacy, the spouses can choose words and gestures that express their willingness to share what unites them, and to respect what differentiates them. All of this with the blessing of a God, who is simply invoked and honoured in different ways.


The world is changing quickly and if in the past it was usual to choose a partner from family acquaintances, childhood friends, or people from the same hometown, today the possibility to travel easily, to move to other countries to live and work, or to get to know each other on the internet has changed many things.
Nowadays, the chance to fall in love with someone from another culture, with a different religion and different costumes, has drastically increased.
While planning the ceremony, all the differences will be taken into account, integrating in the celebration traditional gestures and symbols dear to both families. In this cases, the language often represents an obstacle for the involvement of relatives and friends.
To make everyone feel at home, you can choose a second officiant in charge to translate the whole ceremony or only some parts of it, and to prepare booklets, so that everyone can follow the speech in their own language.


Civil unions are also possible in Italy, as provided for by law no. 76, which entered into force on the 20th of May 2016. In order to add a personal and meaningful touch to the ceremony, it is possible for a celebrant to office the celebration by proxy of the mayor, like for the civil ceremonies. In this way, the laic ceremony includes the legally recognised civil union. In this case, like for the civil ceremonies, if the municipality provides for it, the whole event can take place in a private location with the status of city hall. Each municipality establishes days and times, in which the celebration of ceremonies has to be granted, as well as its cost. For this reason, it is always necessary to ask the city hall of competece about all the necessary procedures.
If the chosen location is not the city hall, it is still possible to hold the laic ceremony at the chosen location, and to perform the civil union at the city hall. This is the procedure in force in many European countries, where it is mandatory to separate the bureaucratic part from the personal, spiritual, or religious part.
Regardless of the circumstances or the choices of the spouses, our intent is to highlight all the values shared by the couple with gestures and symbols that represent them, to help them to express their intentions and the future projects they will share.
Doing all this in the presence of friends and relatives, who will witness the couple’s mutual promises, adds value to this moment, and gives the opportunity to receive all the support and blessing that a great love deserves. It will be a joy for us to guide and assist you on this fabulous journey.


Our country is famous worldwide for its artistic, cultural and historical heritage. There are plenty of charming and romantic locations In Italy, which not only are beautiful, but also ideal for a perfect wedding. More and more couples from all over the world choose Italy for their wedding celebrations.
To facilitate this process, they usually carry out all the bureaucratic and legal procedures in their own country and, subsequently, they organize the wedding in the place of their dreams, accompanied by their closest friends and relatives.
In this cases, the laic, romantic and scenic ceremony will be co-celebrated by a translator and integrated with the typical customs of the couple’s country (or city) of origin…as well as with a touch of our famous Italian style!

Take a look to Destination Wedding.


More and more often, the end of one love story does not prevent two human beings from starting a new and happy life together. If there are children from previous unions, the new couple should consider the fact that every choice they make should involve them too. Fortunately, sometimes the presence of common children of the new couple allows to celebrate the wedding day with a small and varied tribe. In this case, the wedding vows will not only be addressed to the other partner, but also to all the family members. If the age of the children allows it, it would be very nice to give them an active and significant role, to make them happily feel protagonist of that important moment as well.


Animals enrich your home with unconditional love. They share spaces and moments of our daily life with you. They comfort you in sad moments, make you laugh with their actions, and have fun with you.
For this reason, even on such a special day, you may wish to have them with you. Since they also are full members of the family, it is not so unusual anymore to make them play a special part in the ceremony, like for example by making them carry the wedding rings to the altar. We will organize everything respecting their needs, and making sure that there is always someone ready to take care of them.


Our headquarter is in the province of Varese, and we can easily work in Lombardy, Piedmont and Switzerland. When distances become a problem because of costs or logistics, we offer you the possibility to create your ceremony with an online consultation, or on the phone. At an affordable price you can receive a complete preparatory service with the possibility to entrust the reading to a person of your choice.
We can advise you on everything, from texts to gestures, from music to staging, so that the result lives up to your expectations.


The Blessing is a ceremony of the Anglo-Saxon tradition, which is widely practiced in America, and which is also spreading more and more in Italy. This kind of ceremony consists in the renewal of the wedding vows in a location dear to the spouses, a place out of the ordinary, without the value of a religious or civil ceremony.
The Blessing ceremony can be celebrated for an important anniversary, or simply a few days (or even hours) after a civil wedding. The renewal of wedding vows is highly appreciated also by those spouses who want to hold a second celebration, due to the fact that they have celebrated the first time away from home, or only with a few friends. Therefore, this event is a real and huge party, in which the spouses are the protagonists, renewing their promise of eternal love in the atmosphere that represents them best. We will plan your ceremony together in order to let you live a moment full of joy, emotions and surprises.

Everything and always, for Love … with Love

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Cerimonie Laiche

per Amore... con Amore

Irene Mm 16/01/2022

Ci siamo affidati a Ludovina per celebrare il nostro matrimonio..e non avremmo potuto fare scelta migliore. Ha saputo ascoltarci ed interpretare perfettamente i nostri desideri, raccontando la nostra storia in maniera perfetta e ha reso la cerimonia un momento magico.

Alessandra S. 29/12/2021
La Salvezza!

Ci siamo sposati lo scorso 23 settembre. E questo grazie a Ludovina. Pochi giorni prima del matrimonio ci siamo infatti trovati a dover risolvere grosse problematiche che avrebbero potuto compromettere il nostro giorno speciale. Ludovina, molto professionale, si è subito resa disponibile e ci ha accompagno passo dopo passo fino al gran giorno, spiegandoci ogni singolo dettaglio del gran giorno. Grazie a lei e Verena il nostro matrimonio è stato speciale; le emozioni hanno preso il sopravvento, lasciando nei nostri cuori ricordi indelebili. La nostra unione è stata quello che desideravamo: semplice ed indimenticabile. Non lo scorderemo mai, grazie di cuore.

Raffo G 27/12/2021
Ludovina ci ha portato, accompagnandoci per mano, a vivere un’esperienza già unica, il matrimonio, in una maniera talmente coinvolgente da fare vivere a noi sposi, ed a tutte le persone con noi, un susseguirsi di emozioni travolgenti durante l’intera cerimonia. Questo è stato il frutto di una preparazione meticolosa condotta da Ludovina con estrema pazienza e professionalità. Può sembrare strano, ma quello che mi ha più colpito sono state le lacrime versate da tutti quelli che hanno partecipato alla cerimonia, bambini e fotografi compresi; sintomo evidente che quello che è stato detto, preparato ed aggiustato con Ludovina prima della cerimonia, è stato ascoltato con la giusta attenzione. Nulla che potesse distrarre dal momento.

Nadia C. 25/12/2021
Io e Andrea ci siamo sposati in comune la settimana prima ed abbiamo celebrato il matrimonio la domenica successiva con Ludovina. Per noi il vero matrimonio, le emozioni, i ricordi, la grande festa sono stati il giorno celebrato da lei e sicuramente la data dell'anniversario per noi sara’ quel giorno. Con lei celebrerete la vostra unione indimenticabile. Ludovina molto professionale, elegante, sicura di se, ci ha aiutati a rendere quella giornata bellissima ed emozionante. Un ricordo unico.

Luca F. 25/09/2021
Un giorno che non dimenticheremo

Ludovina ci è stata consigliata dalla nostra location e dobbiamo dire che è veramente una persona stupenda, gentile, a modo e che lavora con passione... da subito cerca di entrare in sintonia con gli sposi in modo da poter raccontare al meglio la loro storia. Ha soddisfatto pienamente le nostre esigenze e grazie alla voce di Elisa ha dato colore e emozione al nostro matrimonio, gli invitati hanno ampiamente apprezzato la cerimonia complimentandosi con noi. Indimenticabile.

Valeria 15/09/2021
La migliore!

Ludovina ha saputo, con la sua cerimonia, toccare i cuori dei nostri invitati. Per tutti è stata una cerimonia nuova e abbiamo ricevuto tantissimi complimenti!! Non sappiamo davvero come ringraziarla! Ha superato qualunque nostra aspettativa riuscendo a creare una cerimonia perfettamente in linea con noi! La consigliamo a chiunque voglia una cerimonia che ricorderà per sempre!

Serena 14/09/2021
Una cerimonia indimenticabile, originale, personalizzata, in cui la chiave sono i sentimenti. Tutti noi, sposi e invitati, siamo rimasti commossi dalla bravura di Ludovina, che sa calibrare la cerimonia in modo perfetto. Grazie Lu, sei unica. Spero che in molti si affidino a te per rendere la loro cerimonia eterna nei ricordi

Giulia M. 06/08/2021
Ludovina è una persona dotata di una straordinaria empatia e di grande curiosità. Abbiamo trovato in lei tutte le qualità che desideravamo: è stata disponibile, attenta, impeccabile il giorno della nostra cerimonia. L'attenzione con cui ha condotto il rito ha incantato tutti i nostri invitati... anche i più tradizionalisti. La maggior parte dei presenti non aveva mai assistito ad una cerimonia simbolica, ma Ludovina ha sciolto le riserve anche dei più scettici! Ve la consigliamo se desiderate costruire insieme a lei la vostra cerimonia, unica e irripetibile, un rito che possa somigliarvi ed essere, quindi, solo e soltanto vostro.

Francesca 27/07/2021
Ludovina ha realizzato una cerimonia fatta su misura per noi, così emozionante e coinvolgente da convincere anche il più scettico degli invitati. Tutti si sono sentiti parte della cerimonia, si sono commossi e ne sono rimasti entusiasti. Il fatto di far intervenire anche alcuni parenti e amici ha reso il tutto ancora più emozionante.
Ludovina è una persona molto professionale e carismatica e ci ha aiutato a rendere il nostro matrimonio perfetto. Grazie!

Valentina 21/07/2021
Un’atmosfera unica

Siamo super contenti di aver scelto Ludovina per il nostro giorno. È bravissima a raccontare e a costruire la storia degli sposi attraverso le informazioni che le vengono fornite. Ci è piaciuta perché ha fatto esattamente quello che avevamo chiesto, una cerimonia informale, che coinvolgesse gli ospiti e che non fosse troppo lunga e pesante. Non sono mancate le risate e anche qualche lacrima.
Tutti i nostri ospiti ci hanno fatto i complimenti, nessuno di loro aveva mai assistito a una cerimonia laica (e nemmeno noi), quindi nessuno sapeva cosa aspettarsi. Consigliata senza alcun dubbio!
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